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How do the reservation times work?


When you buy tickets (by clicking the “Tickets” icon that sticks to the top as you scroll down this page), you’ll select a specific date and a time. That's your entrance time - after we scan your ticket, we’ll hand you a special wristband identifier, then show you into the holding zone. Relax and enjoy the place. (Booze and refreshments available for courage.) When your time comes (10-15 minutes after you enter the holding zone), we’ll call you in by the icon on your wristband.


I heard this is a real psychology lab?



'tis indeed. I'm a psychologist - former faculty in the psychology department at the University of Florida - and I honestly can’t help it. The urge to slide little snapshots of us – of people thinking and feeling and behaving – under a microscope, is, apparently, in my blood. It finds its way into everything I do. And what I’m doing now is running a haunted house.​ So I've partnered with a current professor at UF who's studying what happens when fear mixes with fun. If you choose to participate in her research (let her analyze your data), you’ll be contributing to genuine social science. Totally your call.  More details on site.


Is this one of those "extreme" torture haunts?


Super extra no. Think more "offbeat" than terrifying. "Offbeat" = unconventional, disorienting, disquieting, dorky, tense, confusing, surreal, and existentially agitating. We know of haunted houses with forty-page waivers that boast completion rates (the percentage of guests who actually finish the experience) in the single digits. We are decidedly not one of those. The point of our thing - from start to finish - is fun.


Example of an offbeat thing: We might ask you to wear headphones and goggles. We did that last year, and we'll do it again - for some of the maze - this year. Headphones and goggles are always sanitized / wrapped in fresh disposable covers. The goggles don't accommodate eyeglasses, but we'll give you a special pouch to put around your neck to protect your specs. Don't worry, you won't miss anything - the goggles are coated in opaque black paint, anyway. 


Is this an escape room?


Nope. No part of the lab tour requires you to interact with the other folks in your tour group. (You should, though - chatting with strangers confers a bunch of mental benefits.)  It's a haunted house with extra sensory spice (no spoilers), but none of it requires socializing. You'll be able to stick with your party (whoever you come with), though.


How big are the tour groups?

Minimum of 2, maximum of 13 people. (But, again, you won't need to interact with anyone else in your group. Don't worry, introverts. We've got you.) The number 13 is a pretty hard ceiling, unfortunately - there are some parts of our tour that genuinely can't accommodate more than 13 people. If you bring more than 12 friends, you'll need to split up between two or more timeslots. But you won't be split up for long - the timeslots are only 10 minutes apart.


How long does the whole thing take?


About 40 minutes from check-in to finale. (About 25 minutes from the time your group is called.) Takes less time if you die before the end, but then we have to pause the event so that we can offer your body to the plants. (That pause takes eight minutes. We’ve been running drills.) Then stay and play as long as you like :)​


Is there an age limit?


Under 15 not allowed entry without an accompanying 21+ adult. 21+ adults may bring children, but we very, very, VERY much recommend a minimum age of 13. There's some gory shit afoot. Kids under 13 must be supervised at all times.


Can I skip the scary stuff and just lounge?​​

Yes! Just let our host know that you want to skip straight  to the bar. (No judgment.) No ticket necessary.


ADA accessible?


Yes! All of our pathways meet ADA guidelines for width and slope, so standard mobility devices = go. But two caveats.


1. Some of the tour will be blind - not being a wheelchair (or other mobility assistance device) user myself, I'm not sure what it would be like to try navigating tight corners totally sightless. We have staff that can push chairs through those parts / the whole thing, if you're cool with that.


2. Audio - and therefore hearing - is key. We're not really sure how to solve that problem for folks with hearing impairments. (We're actively seeking a partnership with ASL groups - there's nothing stopping signers from joining in. Stay tuned.)


Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more accessibility questions. (Email at the bottom of this page.) We want this thing to be as inclusive as possible. All are welcome here.


Service animals: totally cool, but if you want to bring them through the lab, they'll have to be comfortable with navigating tight corners, being in dark spaces, big loud noises, you being blind, random strobe effects, strong fog scents, and, potentially, people freaking out around them. But we'll make it work.


Can I come alone?


Yes! Please please do. In fact, we're planning a secret singles night. (I want to try matching people into groups using some recent data from the study of recreational fear.) Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or just check back here now and then if you want to know when that happens.


Rain or shine?


Yep. Once you cross our threshold, everything's covered. (We're not saying you won't encounter water. Just that the water won't be rain.)


What if I don’t want to wear the blindfolds?


We get it. Sightless (even when its only mostly sightless) can be REALLY scary. But here's the thing - if you forego the googles, you're going to have a VERY different experience in the lab. It'll be more like a behind-the-scenes watch-your-friends-freak-out tour. Possibly fun, but not the thing we designed. Try it. Trust us. You can take them off anytime you want to bail on the experience. But you can do this. You are strong. Facing fear in a safe, voluntary setting is good for us homo sapiens. Trust us.


What if I don’t want to wear the headphones?


It would be weird and you would likely be confused the whole time. But sure, if you want we can roll with that.


What will security be like?


At least one hired security officer on site at all times. Two during peak hours.


What am I allowed to bring?


Standard theme park rules.




  • All bags, backpacks, purses, packages and items are subject to inspection . Suitcases and bags with wheels are prohibited. We recommend that you leave unnecessary articles in your car and secure valuables in your trunk.

  • Trained Service Animals are welcome, but animals who do not meet the definition of a Service Animal will not be permitted. Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.


Prohibited Items:


  • Any type of explosive, weapon, item that can be used as a weapon or has the appearance of a weapon

  • Outside alcohol

  • Coolers

  • Illegal items or substances

  • Clothing likely to create a danger, incite a disturbance or displaying offensive language or content

  • Clothing or accessories that represent someone as emergency personnel or that may create a false impression of employment

  • Power driven devices such as Segways (unless utilized as an ADA mobility device), Hoverboards, Drones or any other radio frequency controlled device

  • Any other items personnel deem to be inappropriate, disruptive or harmful


What about refunds?


Negative, unfortunately. (We’re a literal mom-and-pop operation, and we have to know how much revenue we’ve got in order to keep the thing operating day-to-day.) So, “all ticket sales are final.” (Unless WE cancel the event, in which case you’d obviously get a full refund.)


But get this: ​






(As long as it's fewer than 6 hours from your entry time.)


It's all self-service - your confirmation email will contain instructions.


Do I have to sign a waiver?


Oh yeah. We’ll give you a paper copy when you arrive, and, before you can enter the holding zone, you’ll need to print, sign (in blood), and date in our ledger to indicate your consent to participate.


Will this actually be scary?


Dunno.  But we promise it'll be different. Something you've never done before. (Even if you're a Fear Garden vet.) Give us a shot?

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